Forever Living Products Business Model

Forever Living Products (FLP) is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company that sells health and wellness products primarily based on aloe vera. The company operates through a network of independent distributors who market and sell its products.

Business Model Components Forever FLP Etwor

Business Model Components

Direct Selling: Distributors buy products at a wholesale price and sell them at retail prices, earning the difference as profit.

Recruitment: Distributors recruit new members into their network. They earn commissions and bonuses based on the sales made by their recruits and the recruits’ recruits, creating a multi-level structure.

Commission and Bonuses: Distributors earn commissions on the sales volume generated by their downline (the network of distributors they have recruited). Bonuses are also awarded based on achieving specific sales targets and ranks.

Making Money with Forever Living Products

Retail Profits: Buy products at wholesale prices and sell them at retail prices to customers.

Commissions: Earn commissions on personal sales and the sales made by your downline.

Bonuses: Receive bonuses for achieving higher sales volumes and for the performance of your downline.

Incentives: Qualify for various incentives such as trips, car programs, and other rewards based on sales performance and rank advancements.

Make Money Forever FLP Etwor
Understanding CC Case Credits Forever FLP Etwor

Understanding CC (Case Credits)

CC stands for Case Credits, a system FLP uses to measure sales activity. Each product sold by FLP has a specific CC value assigned to it. CC is a universal unit FLP uses worldwide to standardize sales performance and qualification criteria.

Let’s Make Things Happen

Forever Living Products’ business model relies on direct selling and multi-level marketing, where distributors make money through retail profits, commissions, and bonuses. The CC system is a crucial part of the business, used to measure sales activity and qualify for various incentives and rank advancements.

“The power of Forever is in the power of our people.”

Rex Maughan

Founder of Forever Living Products

Rex Maughan CEO of Forever Living Products Etwor